Olivia Interviews: Mrs. Goldberg
Olivia’s Interview with Mrs. Goldberg

What made you want to become a math teacher?
I always loved school and would play pretend school with my sister and be the teacher. Math makes sense to me. My math teachers in high school really made learning enjoyable for me and I wanted to do the same for other students.
What is the best part about your job?
Working with students everyday; every day and every student is unique. Also, when a student who graduates comes back and says thank you and how my class has helped them in college.
What are the biggest challenges that you face being a math teacher?
A lot of students do not like math; so, I have to try to teach it in a way that is fun, so they enjoy it and do not get frustrated.
What is the greatest success you have had with teaching?
When a student works really hard and comes for extra help and then become successful. When they have that “ah-ha” moment!
What is your favorite lesson to teach?
Depends on the class – in calculus I like related rates because students can apply the calculus concepts to real life problems; in algebra 1; in geometry I like when students can discover the relationships such as those of parallel lines and transversals.
What’s your favorite memory from teaching?
My favorite memories are high school graduation each year; I love watching the students who I have worked with finish one chapter and move onto the next.
How long have you been teaching?
11 years (I have been at park ridge for 7)
What do you like to do in your free time?
Spend time with friends and family; spend time outside when the weather is nice, go to sporting events and shows
What are you looking forward to most in this 2019/2020 school year?
I really like all the students in my classes so far, so I am looking forward to working with all of them.