Park Ridge High School’s Holiday Playlist: Made by You!

Visit PRHSTunes on Spotify for our NightWatch Holiday Bops playlist
During the holiday season, jolly individuals will find themselves participating in activities such as decorating the Christmas tree, baking gingerbread men, or wrapping presents for their loved ones. With all of this commotion, it is almost necessary to have some sort of festive music playing in the background to keep the holiday spirits high!
Everybody has their own opinions on their favorite holiday songs. It could be one that holds personal significance such as your grandparent humming it to you at a young age. Perhaps, it is traditionally the first song that plays before you and your family make French toast on Christmas Day. Even more so, it could be the song that you rush to play right after Halloween since it is truly…well… a ~bop~. If you are like me, and I really hope you’re not, you blast Justin Bieber’s 2011 Under the Mistletoe album first thing in the morning on November 1st until your mom tells you to turn it off.
Nonetheless, I was curious to know which holiday song resonates with Park Ridge High School’s faculty and students during the holiday season the most and for what reason. After receiving a surplus of responses, I was overwhelmed with one thing: people are very passionate about “Santa Tell Me” by Ariana Grande.
Furthermore, some responses warmed my Grinch-sized heart. Junior Ethan Giacomelli shared his favorite seasonal tune, “Home for the Holidays” by Perry Como, since it symbolizes the coming-together of family members for the holiday. He notes, “Personally, it also reminds me of my family.” Clearly, Ethan looks forward to every Christmas to reunite with the people he loves most.
Every holiday season demonstrates the importance of giving back to the community and finding joy in aiding others in need. Freshman Kailey Levinson says that “Do They Know It’s Christmas” by Band Aid offers more than a catchy radio tune. She adds, “…it is portraying a huge message, as it raised money for various causes.” I am shamelessly using this recommendation as a PSA to encourage you to take a mitten from Interact Club’s snowman, volunteer at a food kitchen, or buy a toy for “Toys for Tots” in local malls. Kailey’s suggested song reminds us to give to the people who need some extra cheer this season!
Through all the well-written explanations, there were multiple responses that blatantly suggest that their submissions are “bops”, “jams”, and “iconic.” These were unhesitatingly added, as I could not agree with you more. How could a holiday playlist be created without hits by Michael Bublé and Mariah Carey?
So, to the readers, my gift to you this season is the “NightWatch Holiday Bops” Spotify playlist which is embedded in this article and was generated by your merry submissions. Be sure to listen to it this holiday season and jam out to your collaborative effort. There is no excuse of your dimming holiday spirits now that this playlist exists!